






































尼可虾潦倒一下也不错,毕竟历练一下……那Daryl Tan行动党到现在还没正式提控讨伐,看来李光耀老爷子和老夫所想不谋而合……这棋盘上也只有李老爷子稍微有资格和老夫看棋。Daryl Tan和一大堆的‘土皇帝’不知天高地厚,这类人随性逞英雄,没有战略思考和准备,盲目冲杀,必须被抽几鞭,这玉必须雕琢一下才能发亮。老夫在他们那年龄就已经很沉着了。



尼可虾和Daryl Tan本来就气盛,尼可虾的老母……就是个大俗人,所以尼可虾的政治前途更须经过历练以期培养起本身的领导能力。但……当然,无论她如何历练也无法达到本座四分之一的程度。






所以尼可虾……和场上许许多多的‘勇者’必须历练一下。基本上整个小人国都必须被抽。不提控Daryl Tan其实就是害他。那徐顺全如今也比较清醒了……若当年不抽徐顺全,估计现在什么人都无法节制他。其实江山易改本性难移,要徐大秘书长真的走狗屎运入主国会,搞不好立马故态复萌……


Daryl Tan在被‘鞭’前老夫不敢用,李老爷子应该也明白。


















黄蓉是典型的才女,她确实聪明……聪明在她懂得在郭靖身边‘傻’得小鸟依人,在适当的时候运作扶持,聪明在不会搞无谓的小动作。可以说,黄蓉比吕雉还强,因为吕雉强悍属于女中豪杰型。可以说,黄蓉是个‘不俗’ 的女人;她对事物和男人的见解是不俗的。











































[Big Brother Cyber Constriction] The government is coming out to deal with ‘online harassment’ in the name of crusading against cyber-bullying. Before I go into this topic, let’s have a relevant sample:

Dear Scope,

You have received a warning at Discuss SG.

Insulted / Personal Attack Other Member(s)

Hi Scope,

You’ve been given an infraction *due to complaints from users* regarding your usage of inappropriate language, which is *viewed as a form of harassment on other member(s)* of the forum.


Original Post:

Quote Originally Posted by wangView Post
haha…good one…lol…actually, i do not know if i should tell you this, it’s a secret between me and molly. she told me not to tell you but i feel the need to, actually, yesterday night while naked on our bed, she told me she actually like you more. wishing you two happiness forever…
Scope said in reply to wang:
Yeah, she told me yesterday someone got erectile problem… Oh, that WAS you?
No wonder Molly mama-mia got so much time telling you how much she likes… no, she loves me.

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum’s rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Discuss SG

Though it’s not an infraction or a ban which will likely and be usually the case at EDMW and Flowerpod and even that dreary SGforum under the tyranny of a Fireice, the basic idea is the same.#9

Many of those morons… or ‘online adversaries’ so described by Lui Tuck Yew or ‘extremists’ called me a troll trolling… This sort of judgement that results in unfair treatment or cyber-bullying ended up ‘validated’ even by that silly amateur journalist/reporter who wrote about me in newspapers back then… whereby I subsequently pointed out in my blog that there is a difference between 炮轰 (lambast) and 放屁 (empty personal attacks).

Besides, in a forum, there is seemingly no ‘freedom of speech’ when the moderators are supposedly civilians… and many civilians are banging against the government for the lack of ‘freedom of speech’. Morons…

So with no valid reasons, not even adhering to the rules, I was banned and ‘cyber-bullied’ by the online morons or haters, and they included moronic idiotic moderators.

Very childish to the max…

The above ‘judgement’ was made from forum. It was definitely not the first time they try to be God in big fail. It’s not only in those pathetic forums, but also… Facebook.

Note the underlined sentences in the sample above.

Oh~ A couple or a whole forum of morons complained about me… and what did I say?

A simple teasing became an ‘insult and personal attacks’ out of an obviously harmless joke made, with legitimate words direct from official dictionaries and what you can even read in any ‘Aunt Agony’ columns of teenage magazines~

Those stuck in the mental-mud morons obviously can’t do biology that’d expose them to a daily dose of ‘erectile’ vocabulary.

This is the moronic world of Singaporeans online… They ain’t even close to the level of God, and they played gods… with wacky judgement capability based on an insulting level of senseless common sense…

And they call me a troll… when they stole my pics and moved them everywhere else as if they were the ones who made efforts to create them… and as if they even knew what the CGPs’ messages were.

They don’t care.

They think they have their perfect godly reasoning which is total bullshitting… I was banned and I couldn’t argue against the morons and the moronic tyranny online and they think they can get away with that… so their ‘sort’ of culture is reinforced when they are the real trolls.

And yes… so now the government is coming in.

As we know, the real trolls online are created by the biggest and meanest troll in Singapore… which is the government itself. So now the biggest baddest troll is coming in to deal with the real trolls…

The problem is… neither I can trust the government’s anti-cyber-bullying effort.

Though… whatever I did, I did with a sound reason, and everything I did online can be wonderfully and… skillfully explained in solid fashion. For those morons… haters, real trolls… their ‘attacks’, bans and such against me can’t hold water. So what thousands complained about me, but that doesn’t mean they are right and I broke any rules.

If the government is really going to clean up the cyber-mess… that in a way I’d have to give Yacob a very very very seriously huge benefit of a doubt… …

What can the government do for me?

Will EDMW be closed down? Will the mods be arrested? Will I be compensated? Will I be finally able to roam the forums and even Facebook with ‘freedom of speech’?

Clearly… I doubt so.

Hence, while the online situation has been really messy, super moronic, and warring against me, I do not really think I can support the government’s move. In fact, very few will really support the government’s initiative because… what can Yacob really do for us?

Does he even have any intention to do anything for me in the first place? LOL~

And the same idiots who played gods online could also be the very same Singaporeans or FTs with the same crappy mindsets and moronic mentality with a judgement befitting that of a dick behind the government initiative to ‘govern’ cyberspace and to… fight against cyber-bullying.

Of course, almost everyone will see government’s move as some sort of political ‘harassment’, but… … a forum of trolls and another big big big troll coming in… is still a cyberspace of trolls. So if they are going to fight against each others…

Why not?

It could be more exciting than Xiaxue’s personal hunt for some of her haters.


[First Video And Youtube Error] So it’s about time to start making videos and later… to move into long videos, then into movies. As it had been with the CGPs, a blog culture started since Sohu’s blogging and is continued here… I have to make initial preparations for the video making, and decided this will be the first topic for video making…

It partly shows how the CGPs are created at the very beginning and how I approach video making.

In a way, while it sounds silly, I don’t really fancy the idea of just taking out a camera and start shooting as what Steven Lim and Kurt Tay did. For me… I am not looking to be a what… super kawaii what dashing or handsome or fuck superstar. My interest is very simple… to be a movie director.

I am not interested to be paid $10,000 for shooting an hour, I am more interested to shoot something quality and… show Mediacorps the middle finger.

That explains why before you get to watch this first video of mine… it’s after many many gameplays with video-editing were dumped in Youtube. Those gameplays are training efforts for editing… basic editing skill.

It’s however a major disappointment when I loaded the file into Youtube that the video is… somewhat ‘edited’ by Youtube. The front part is ‘rushed’, and a segment at the ending part is missing… resulting in a ‘blackness’ for a moment at the end when the song goes on playing.

I tried uploading into Dailymotion… it’s the same crap.

Finally… after my ‘date’ with Siping dearie, I decided to try Tudou. And courtesy from China’s Tudou, the video is finally playing normally!

In video editing and presentation… I am some sort of perfectionist. I do not want any bit of distortion.

Something is obviously wrong with Youtube… and Dailymotion, but I have no answers.

I don’t mind putting up a ‘raw’ effort… I know my presentation is still crappy… my narration still must improve… and of course, the music part is a killer… I need to pick up audio editing skill to make raw musics, and I also have to advance into high level video editing… But with this level of elementary video editing…

…making a short movie is no longer just a dream.

Making a super science fiction blockbuster is still a dream… beyond my capability, but a normal documentary about Singapore, a small talk show, a little others… they are all now opened options.

Loong should realize by now why he is so stuck, because only with capability can options be opened. His options are narrow and limited, and easily calculated.

I told Siping… this is a record of my personal development. It may be ugly… but it shows more than just progress. It shows my personality, mindset and attitude to things… I want to do.

Virgo chicks talk about realistic money and social norms…

Piscean me talks about passion in things I do and romance in women I love…

In a way, I appreciate the drastic differences with my old pal. No one is the same anyway, even among Pisceans.

It is definitely not the lucrative trade called politics that I have such ‘unrealistic’ and incomprehensible interest in it… I am merely a sucker for power… … and glory. Somewhat… it’s because I am capable to produce the glory I lust after with the tool called power… …

At this time, the world is moving into chaos… and the dummies are sitting at the top doing nothing because they simply can’t do anything despite the big nonsensical propaganda of how mighty they are and how godly talented they are… … which is what has been entertaining me for since a kid… The thought of such irony transforming into physical presentation as the tsunami is coming… just imagining the joke out of the propaganda over the decades… of such a wayang entertains me.

Then… when those idiotic pigs who try to capitalize on PAP’s imminent demise… I’d push them to deliver what they will never afford for the people, and let the very moronic people who have blown those pigs up to new heights crush them down to the very bottom out of desperation. Then… as according to the script…

…I’d leisurely move in for a Leftist movement, and provide all their desired governance… and proper lifestyle needs#10.

In real… movie-making is an interest… but not the main interest. My main interest… my goal since like five years old, is to become the New Father of Singapore for an island of morons… in an era of chaos ushered in by the very son of the Old Father of Singapore.

And Kate… for my love… she’d never be part of it. She is just another normal… typical Singaporean woman.

I fell in love with her… the very day we met.

What next?

I am seriously thinking of doing a Super Junior’s ‘Sorry Sorry’ dance.  It’s going to be a major challenge… a coordination in the presentation, the planning needed in the brain, and of course… the dance. I am not a team of dancers, so that’d be a modified dance.

No promise.


[Hot Maids] Last week I was pondering over a joke about what Mr Lee Kuan Yew said…

Just now, 5 Dec 2013, I read this…


This is an ad of a foreign talent’s family in Singapore looking for Singaporeans to take up the super low paying job of… a maid in our very own turf… LOL~#11

The hilarious thing about this is… I was thinking about this last week as I made my round on the ground:

You know, the cure for all this talk is really a good dose of incompetent government. You get that alternative and you’ll never put Singapore together again: Humpty Dumpty cannot be put together again… my asset values will disappear, my apartments will be worth a fraction of what they were, my ministers’ jobs will be in peril, their security will be at risk and their women will become maids in other people’s countries, foreign workers. I CANNOT HAVE THAT!

-Lee Kuan Yew, 2007. Regarding getting leaders who are worth the (obscene) pay.

At least the Singaporeans who are applying for this ‘career’ will still be maid/s in their own country… where PAP is behind Singaporeans, and ‘No one will be left behind’.




The Old Father of Singapore has admitted somehow that PAP government is incompetent in his own quote. So funny eh~

I just talked to some ‘foreign talents’ from Shell, Sembcorp and such recently… none of them wanted or planned to remain in Singapore, and would be buying their homes in their homelands with money made from Singapore.

Siping expected me to find a career in Singapore… working UNDER/for morons… … Most women will think the same. But my mum told my Dad… “You should start a business, and I’d support you.” AFTER they were married. I did not argue with my ole pal during meal… just smiled.

Nicole Seah… and many of those morons out there are only interested to get elected, and enjoy being MPs while Singaporeans suffer. They can do nothing. They know they can do nothing.

But that doesn’t mean they will yield to my supremacy.

Which means… …

Singaporeans must be forced much more… … with or without the poverty line, I want Kate to stare at her children… think about their future… I want the bankrupted Dr Chees, the fired Nicole Seahs and even those gays such as Yawning Aws do what they will naturally do, and let them have a little choice… later.

Patience… … will pay off.

Like I always said… the fuck must I attack PAP?

Loong will deliver…

…what I truly want.

Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim, Nicole Seah, Chee Soon Juan… they are all merely fighting for my eventual rise.

Do you want to be a maid in your own country or… other countries? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… …

Not to forget… what about those at ISD?

Fight for me… or die. That’s the whole catch to come.

I don’t need Kate to understand now. But she will have to confront this eventually… as all others.

Loong will also have to decide. Singaporeans are not going to let the Lees off so easily.

Do the Lees want to be maids for the very FTs they so desire…?


Let’s go for lunch… … and pick up a cunt for company for the night.

#1 其实习总已骑虎难下,他将是改革开放后处于中国未来发展存亡最关键时期的领导。毫无选择,他就是中国的命运。
#2 听起来是相当可笑,但真理往往就是这么可笑的……
#3 事实上,整件事儿是记者看到什么报什么,也不存在什么司法问题。新加坡法律……媒体有一定的‘误报’保护。尼可虾此事儿处理极不成熟,老夫看在眼里……她毕竟不过小女孩儿,骄兵之策难免会有影响。她的任性必须有人能节制。
#4 女为悦己者容,她特地打扮抽空赴约,虽然都是旧识,但没赞她的立场。
#5 原本超80kg,以前意外发现了减肥方法,这次第二次减肥是为了研究过程的安全性和观察细节和速度。(视频显示减肥后大概69kg左右
#6 同窗时能天天见面,长大了就有社会常规,毕竟都单身贵族,而且萍已放了老夫一次鸽子~不约这朋友肯定没了,约的话也不能天天约,且她如今的心思也很难说。我最近也要开始忙了。
#7 萍的想法……和大多数亚洲女人一样……死板板,比较俗,比较肤浅。不过她心地是好的,比较懂事儿。若凯瑟琳的话,她鸡婆起来完全不考虑情况和后果,天马行空……毫无节制。
#8 希拉莉外表自信强势,但心里虚空,抱着俗套……她的遮掩对其他人还行,奈何老夫向来锐利……她的盲目强势和偏执是和老夫无缘的关键。她不可能为老夫妥协,而老夫也不可能当个小男人。我们生活上很合拍,但她一旦面对风吹草动就会变得相当不可靠……
#9 Credit must be given that some mods (others have outright no common sense for respect over freedom of speech needed to sustain the forum) at does ‘discuss’ with me about the actions taken at times, which can end up in pretty hilarious chicken and duck talk, nonetheless. However, the forum is… crushing down as well as EDMW. It’s basically the typical scenario… A bunch of ‘like-minded’ morons hijacked the entire forum, squeezing out other elements in concerted fashion and influencing idiotic mods, thus taking over control of the forum since they end up as the ‘precious’ group with the numbers and ‘contributions’ and the forum dies over time… and the very hijackers eventually move to the next victim in their crusade against ‘trolls’, when they are the real trolls. It is bad news for because unlike EDMW, it is at its infant stage, and one can easily see the issue by simply counting the new threads and (super boring) topics of threads created.
#10 Yesssss~ Anyone is welcomed to come and do what I intend to do… if you can. I openly welcomed and am welcoming any smarties who’d like to replace or take over me. Problem is, do I seriously have a replacement? LOL!!!
#11 It doesn’t matter if the ad is real or not. Actually Singaporean women have been working as ‘maids’ in the name of domestic workers for FT families for a while already at a rate of $10~$20 for about per 1~3 hours called ‘domestic helpers’, and with the TRUE foreign ratio to true blue Singaporeans overwhelmed and cleaners’ pay that can hit as low as $600 per month, it is already somewhat an… issue. Thanks to Meritocracy, human resource management is in a mega mess in Singapore developed over decades as some sort of sacred cow… Loong is gone case, thanks also majorly to his Dad’s ignorance. Politics 101, NEVER count on idiots to reform, and NEVER count on idiots to replace idiots… …